Monday, November 29, 2010

Radioshack RC battery for FT817ND

Got some nice deal on local Radioshack, the quick charger and 1600mAh battery was on sale for just $10, nice... I modified it to work with my FT-817ND Yaesu, change the battery connector type to the smaller ones, as the original connector on yaesu its really damn small and hard to get, I changed it to different type, the purpose of the connector replacement is to accommodate quick battery swap and put the empty battery to the charger.

People may ask, why I did this ?, the reason is this radio able to charge the battery with its own internal charger, but it need 7-8 hours to complete the charge, with this quick charger, it took only 30 minutes - 1 hour, huge difference.

below are the pictures, you can get the idea from it :

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